Implications of foraminiferal collection from sediment trap : proxy indicator of the particle transport
Speaker : Yeh, Jen-Chu
Advisor : Tien-Shun Lin

Foraminifer collected from sediment traps is one of the way to realize the information about the origin and transport of non-lithogenic particles. On the basis of the numerical statistic, fauna analyses, thermal variation record and ¹⁸O isotopic value, many parameters including temperature, sea level variation or current direction can be inferred. Either the benthic foraminifera living on or within the seafloor sediment or planktonic floating in the water column at various depths have their way to indicate the condition under sea level respectively. In this report, we’re going to discuss how these tiny creatures can be the clue of sedimentology and oceangeography.

Brunner, Charlotte A., and Pierre E. Biscaye. "Storm-driven transport of foraminifers from the shelf to the upper slope, southern Middle Atlantic Bight." Continental Shelf Research 17.5 (1997): 491-508.

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Yamasaki, Makoto, and Motoyoshi Oda. "Sedimentation of planktonic foraminifera in the East China Sea: evidence from a sediment trap experiment." Marine Micropaleontology 49.1 (2003): 3-20.

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Lin, Hui-Ling, James T. Liu, and Gwo-Wei Hung. "Foraminiferal shells in sediment traps: Implications of biogenic particle transport in the Kao-ping submarine canyon, Taiwan." Continental shelf research 25.18 (2005): 2261-2272.

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